At Meridian Grocery, we’re committed to providing you with quality discount groceries, but we’re also committed to bringing you fresh, local products like Unruh Eggs, Wiebe Cheese and Good Natured Honey. We carry North Country Cheese, which is produced on a Wisconsin farm, fresh ground beef, and gluten-free and whole foods. We’ve also expanded our selection to include more bulk foods and more locally produced items. We want to be a hometown store.
We’ve also built a wide selection of foods produced right here in our store: Our bakery produces, rolls, cinnamon rolls, breads and more; and our German sausage is also a popular best seller. We go through about 1,000 pounds of sausage every 40 days.
In all these things, we’ve tried to not be just a discount “bent-and-dent” grocery store. We want to be a little outside of the box.
Distressed groceries are still at the heart of our operation. The food comes from traditional grocery stores, which remove the product because of packaging damage or impending expiration dates. These items are shipped back to the store’s warehouse, which resells the product to the distributors we work with.
Once a truckload arrives, product is organized, cleaned and sorted before stocking the shelves. Some of the product is repackaged for customer convenience.
We can’t advertise that we “stock” a particular item, but the positive side of this unpredictability is that customers are often are pleasantly surprised at what they find when they stop by. And because the trucks come from all corners of the country, customers at can find unique items they may not find in other local stores.